1312 Gallery
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Anti-Cop stickers seen around London
‘No Pipelines, No Police! Solidarity with the Unist'ot'en!’ Graffiti in Toronto in solid
1312 stencils seen around Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Oslo, Norway
Stencils seen in Bogotá, Colombia during the riotous protests after cops tasered and beat a man to d
radicalgraff:“Death to the stateCamilo Catrillanca Lives!Freedom for Mapuche prisoners”Memorial mura
“Death to the stateCamilo Catrillanca Lives!Freedom for Mapuche prisoners”Memorial mural for Camilo
ACAB seen in an autonomous skate park in Victoria, British Columbia / Unceded Occupied Lekwungen spe
“1312 / Antifa” seen in Ghent, Belgium
“Who protects us from the police? Who protects us from the state?” Seen in Guanajuato, M
“Bullen Hass / Hate Cops”Seen on the Hamburg Ubahn / Subway
Some of the anarchist and anti-capitalist graffiti seen in Hong Kong during the protests over the pa
“Harry Potter and the Cop Lit on Fire”Sticker seen in Sydney
“Fight Oppression / Melawan PenindasanDestroy Capitalism / Hancurkan KapitalismeSolidarity with anar
Anti-Cop graffiti seen in Adelaide, Australia
Anti-Cop posters seen around Melbourne.The design are a subversion of a racist pro-police leaflet di
“Predator or Protector?”
Anarchist stickers seen in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
“A World Without Police.” Seen in Kansas City, Missouri
Milkshake Hooligans mural in London
“All Cuticles Are Beautiful”Sticker in Melbourne
Some anarchist and anti-Cop stickers seen around Montreal
“Long Live the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone)” Mural in LA celebrating the autonomo
Anti-Cop mural painted by Al Ahly Ultras in Cairo, 2013