Actuality Gallery
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生きることと生かされることの中間 <Between living and being alive>
reblogged from malditochubaca
未開あるいは解体 <Undeveloped or dismantling>
生まれた時の有様あるいは世界の始まり <The state at birth or the beginning of the world>
膝を抱えて小さくなってから見えてくること <What I can see after me hold my knees and get smaller>
meardmish: #how misha pretty much tries to angle his head so it seems kissing but in actuality is j
dommewifechronicles: In actuality, your Wife is a pleasant enough kind of Woman, you are just a &ldq
♡ ( Unapologetically Educating ) ♡In actuality, your Wife isn’t interested in hearing your
備忘録 <memorandums : Between the past and the future>
備忘録 <memorandums : never let me go>
中心と周縁 <marrow and marginal>
備忘録 <memorandums : How to touch the sky>
備忘録 <memorandums : adaptation and circulation>
備忘録 <memorandums : What I notice only after being told by you>
備忘録 <memorandums : What can be created and what cannot be created>
備忘録 <memorandums : Accept the fragility>
存在と不在の差 <The difference between existence and absence>
光の全てを受け入れることが光を知ることの始まり <Accepting all of the light is the beginning of knowing the light&
備忘録 <memorandums : Representations and symbols>
備忘録 <memorandums : Inherit time>
This is a very strange profession, here’s a fact of your life and the actuality. Then there is
備忘録 <memorandums : What disappears and what does not disappear>
水の流れを身体で感じている,指先は水草を摑もうとしている,朦朧とした意識の中で <Feeling the flow of water with my body ,My fingertip
備忘録 <memorandums : It is very affectionate and kindhearted>