Backyard Farm Gallery
“Penguin is an ancient soul who has returned to tell us wisdoms long forgotten. She says &
“They only go out if I put hay down over the snow for them.”via /r/backyardchickens
Shelli Olin, From Western Washington Poultry FB group (enchanced).
4 o'clock is bed time this time of year. via Reddit
An Icelandic Rooster from Sugar Feather Farms. Truly magnificent.
smallfarmfamilyOctober is for the Buff Orpingtons
yesigarden - Lawrenceville, Georgia “They are comic genius. Violet is a professional with perf
the_flock_n_the_hound ✨
Rocky Acres Living
little friends, 2015
baby goat, 2015
Fresh Peas from the garden! Yum!
Everything is growing like crazy! The tomatoes are getting bigger and bigger and not turning colors!
Spring planting time. This year, we had ivy growing into the planting boxes, up through the landscap
We are fighting lots of insects and mildew this fall, but we managed to pick our first cucumbers fro
Mid-October and this Celebrity tomato plant is growing strong and tall.
Potato failure Growing potatoes in bags makes all kinds of sense, but this is two years in a row of
Making hot sauce!
A busy canning day! We canned 10 pints of marinara sauce, 14 pints of peach jam, and 8 ½
Nasty looking but so tasty!
Time to make salsa!
“Who you calling chicken???”
Today was the time to trim back and dehydrate my stevia leaves. It’s only July and I think