Backyard Farming Gallery
femboy cunt
“They only go out if I put hay down over the snow for them.”via /r/backyardchickens
Shelli Olin, From Western Washington Poultry FB group (enchanced).
4 o'clock is bed time this time of year. via Reddit
An Icelandic Rooster from Sugar Feather Farms. Truly magnificent.
smallfarmfamilyOctober is for the Buff Orpingtons
yesigarden - Lawrenceville, Georgia “They are comic genius. Violet is a professional with perf
the_flock_n_the_hound ✨
Rocky Acres Living
Gardening…….. Warms your soul! ❤️❤️❤️ Being outside! Working in the dirt! Enjoying
I love our Alamo RCD gardens. A GARDEN GROWs in your heart! You become one with each plant! You g
❤️ We LOVE Being outside! Working in the dirt! Learning! Learning! Using Team Work! Growing Tog
❤️ We LOVE Being outside! Working in the dirt! Learning! Learning! Using Team Work! Growing Tog
What To Feed Chickens: Formulating Your Own Chicken Feed Joan Salmonowicz tells readers what to feed
DARK CHICKSGallus gallus domesticusBlack Silkie and maybe Partridge Cochin? ©Teenytinydinosaurf
Scarlet Runner Beans
thefourteenacres, Midlothian, Texas
hostilevalleyliving: “Lucky checks the weather like we check the news, determines it is still
“Beulah fell asleep in my hand! I hope they are just as adorable when they grow up…
J. Terris, Ontario via FB
A selection of chicks©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
RED COCHIN MIXGallus gallus domesticus©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
CHICKSSome of the babies from this past week’s hatch©TeenyTinyDinosaurFarm
DAY OLD COCHIN MIX CHICKGallus gallus domesticus©teenytinydinosaurfarmBabies!
STICKY CHICKWas stuck to egg membraneChicks are hardwired to struggle. It takes strength and perseve