Beautiful Kyoto Gallery
suspiria *1977
me on my knees with a cock in
Tuesday 26th September 2017. 14:30 Kyoto Japan.Today marks the start of my final week working at Bro
Tuesday 3rd October 2017. 15:30 Kyoto Japan.We then cycled to Heian-jingu Shrine about 10/15 minutes
Tuesday 3rd October 2017. 14:00 Kyoto Japan.Honen-in Temple 法然院 My friend Jake from the UK has final
Thursday 21st September 2017. 18:00 Kyoto Japan.I stayed here watching the sunset across the river b
Sunday 22nd October 2017. 15:30 Kyoto Japan.Cycling down the Kamo River today felt so satisfying. I
Monday 9th October 2017. 12:00 Kyoto Japan.We then cycled to Kamigamo-jinja (上賀茂神社). It was such a b
Sunday 22nd October 2017. 15:45 Kyoto Japan.I cycled to Gion and wandered around it’s cobbled street
Sunday 22nd October 2017. 15:45 Kyoto Japan.Kiyomizu at sunset. It was actually not as busy as what
Sunday 22nd October 2017. 16:15 Kyoto Japan.After a short visit to Gion I cycled further down the ri
Monday 25th September 2017. 18:00 Kyoto Japan.Funaokayama Park. I got lost finding my way here so I
Thursday 5th October 2017. 13:00 Kyoto Japan.Funaokayama Park 船岡山公園A small mountain park in the cent
One snowy morning. / 雪かき、足あと、軒下、白菜。
iesuuyr:Kyoto, Japan | Shoko Muraguchi
I found this beautiful longhorn beetle down by the river yesterday. It is sitting on a plant from th
iesuuyr: Kyoto, Japan | DanÅke Carlsson
永興寺庭園 [ 京都市山科区 ] Yokoji Temple Garden, Kyoto の写真・記事を更新しました。 ーー京都のモダン建築“栗原邸”の向かいにある石庭。曹洞宗
厭離庵庭園 [ 京都市右京区 ] ② Enrian Temple Garden, Kyoto ーー紅葉期のみ特別公開新古今和歌集・小倉百人一首を編纂した歌人 #藤原定家 の小倉山荘跡に近代に作庭された
永興寺庭園 [ 京都市山科区 ] ② Yokoji Temple Garden, Kyoto ーー京都のモダン建築“栗原邸”の向かいにある石庭。曹洞宗開祖・道元禅師ゆかりの寺院
厭離庵庭園 [ 京都市右京区 ] Enrian Temple Garden, Kyoto の写真・記事を更新しました。 ーー紅葉期のみ特別公開新古今和歌集・小倉百人一首を編纂した歌人 #藤原定家 の小
毘沙門堂庭園“晩翠園” [ 京都市山科区 ] ③ Bishamondo Temple Garden, Kyoto の写真・記事を更新しました。 ーー“天台宗五門跡&
毘沙門堂庭園“晩翠園” [ 京都市山科区 ] ② Bishamondo Temple Garden, Kyoto ーー“天台宗五門跡”に挙げられる山科を
Beauty of Japan
★ Jul. 24, 2019 Kameya-yoshinaga, Kyoto: suzushi (lit. being cool) ——– The combina
青蓮院庭園(青蓮院門跡)[ 京都市東山区 ] Shorenin Temple Garden, Kyoto ーー室町時代に相阿弥が作庭した庭園に、小堀遠州や七代目小川治兵衛が手を加えた池泉回遊式庭園。国