Bestbirdsofworld Gallery
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lufia 2
Palm Warbler This was actually the 1st Warbler I saw this Spring! They’re the most cooper
Yellow Warbler #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #canonr5 #best_birds_of_world #springmigr
Northern Parula I won’t even tell you how many shots I took of this Warbler! Just know it
Great Crested Flycatcher #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_wor
American Tree Sparrow #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world
Brown Creeper I take a photo of these birds every chance I get, because I’m always hoping
Ruby-crowned Kinglet. For the past few outings, I’ve been seeing alot of Kinglet activity
Blue-headed Vireo. When I came across this bird, I was able to get 4 quick shots before it took off.
Great Potoo This bird and the Brown Creeper has some of the best camouflage I’ve ever see
Palm Warbler #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world #masswild
Emerald Tanager #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_captures #your_best_birds #birdphotography #emeraldta
Least Flycatcher #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world #sprin
Hermit Thrush These have to be one of the easiest migrants to get a photo of, but somehow, this sea
Rufous-tailed Jacamar ♂️ photographed at @fincalunanuevalodge #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_capture
Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush I don’t like to take pictures of birds on man-made object
Golden-crowned Kinglet #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher photographed at @fincalunanuevalodge #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_capture
Amazon Kingfisher ♂️ #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_captures #your_best_birds #earthcapture #amazonk
American Pygmy Kingfisher ♂️ #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_captures #your_best_birds #earthcapture
Barred Antshrike ♂️ #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_captures #your_best_birds #earthcapture #barredan
Barred Owl. Went for hike around sunset and as I was walking, I heard the Owl calling. It&rsquo
Dark-eyed Junco. #birdphotography #bird_captures #raw_birds #massaudubon #best_birds_of_world #mass
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture I was actually focused on the Jabirus when @alberto_guide_cr yelled ou
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (Immature) #nature_worldwide_birds #bird_captures #your_best_birds #earth