Calligritype Gallery
Practice — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typographyinspired #typism
Estabas Ahí – Moenia #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typographyi
Un poco de una rolota de #moenia. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #ty
Recuperando los días sin practicar. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligr
#Ride to live. #Motorcycles — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligritype #typograph
Escuchar a #TheBeatles es una de las mejores formas de iniciar el día . — #calligraphy
Extrañando mis clases de #guitarra. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffiti #calligr
Música para relajarse en la noche sabatina. @pearljam — #calligraphy #typography #call
Arrancando la mañana escuchando a #SodaStereo. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraffit
Un poquito de @zoe_instagram para esta tarde estresada. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraf
En honor a mi amor platónico número 1: @Emilia_Clarke. — #calligraphy #typograph
Una gran serie (que incluye motos @harleydavidson) recomendada por @luwashere y Cid. — #calli
De regreso a la #caligrafía con #poesía de #Sabines. — #calligraphy #typography
Un poco de @Babasonicos para el alma caligráfica. — #calligraphy #typography #calligraf
sorting some pieces for an exhibition.
i thought it was time to focus sth else than walls, windows, etc. so i had the chance to to some per
i had the pleasure to design my best friends’ wedding shoes <3 isn’t that great?!
some funny - german - quote for a campaign
in december ‘14, i designed one of the windows of my favourite optician in nuremberg - it
little late for this christmas stuff, i know ;) but … year after year though &he
did the official copic / sensebook facebook post 2014 (sorry for delay).
my first illustration for our local newspaper. cheers!
high five!
Marker test. #type #typography #design #creative #handstyle #goodtype #lettering #handlettering #typ