Capecod Gallery
anita jones
August blues
Beach Hair Don’t Care
Seashells nesting on the Cape Code Seashore. September 2015.
New England Road Trip with chrysler in the 2015 #Chrysler200
Grasshopper Sparrow #grasshoppersparrow #sparrow #sparrows #bird #birds #birding #birdsofinstagram #
Piping Plover #pipingplover #plover #falmouth #capecod #birds #birding #birdphotography #birdsofinst
Northern Flicker #northernflicker #flicker #birds #birding #woodshole #capecod #birdsofinstagram #bi
Peent! Heard any Woodcocks recently? #americanwoodcock #woodcock #falmouth #capecod #birds #birding
Orchard Oriole (1st-year male) #orchardoriole #oriole #orioles #falmouth #birds #birding #birdwatchi
Sandhill Crane - My first on Cape Cod #sandhillcrane #crane #barnstable #capecod #bird #birds #birdi
Yellow Warbler #yellowwarbler #warbler #warblers #falmouth #capecod #birds #birding #birdsofinstagra
Indigo Bunting on my walk this morning #indigobunting #bunting #birds #birding #birdsofinstagram #bi
White-crowned Sparrow #whitecrownedsparrow #sparrows #falmouth #capecod #birds #birding #birdphotogr
Prairie Warbler (1st year female) #prairiewarbler #woodshole #capecod #birds #birding #birdwatching
Marsh Wren #marshwren #wren #mashpee #capecod #birds #birding #birdwatching #birdsofinstagram #birds
Acadian Flycatcher #acadianflycatcher #flycatcher #flycatchers #birds #birding #birdsofinstagram #bi
Eastern Bluebird - An oldie but a goodie, taken 5 years ago this week. #easternbluebird #bluebird #f
Commom Yellowthroat #commonyellowthroat #warbler #warblers #birds #birding #bird #woodshole #capecod
Yellow-rumped Warbler #yellowrumpedwarbler #warbler #warblers #springmigration #falmouth #capecod #b
American Coot #americancoot #coot #marstonsmills #capecod #birds #birding #birdsofinstagram #birds_i
Indigo Bunting - One of four on my Woods Hole walk this morning. #indigobunting #bunting #indigo #bi
Photo by @capecodtheatreproject “Opening night of CONTINUITY was a success! Thank you to e
Photo by @capecodtheatreproject “Meet some of our CONTINUITY company members: Megan, JD, a
Fledgling Red-winged Blackbird. What an ugly mug! #redwingedblackbird #fledgling #babybird #bird #bi