Carolina Hurricanes Gallery
b-11 nightangel
kissing gay
tic tac toensh @ car - round 1, game 2 | 05.20.2021
turbolainen:nino niederreiter intermission interview / february 19 2021
Sebastian Aho /requested by @sebastianfreakingaho/
Jake Bean /requested by @reblogcentral/
trevor van riemsdyk /requested by @newyorkcitysubway/
janne kuokkanen /requested by @eveningprophet/
carolina hurricanes & floral /requested by @noahhanif1n/
elias lindholm /requested by @madetoparadise/
Victor Rask /requested by @captain-giroux/
jeff skinner is a beaut
Tropical Carolina Hurricanes Logo /requested by @lone2077/
Jeff Skinner and his sister, Jillian, with his dog(Source:
Sebastian Aho /requested by anonymous/
noah hanifin /requested by @littlebenn/
9116: via @Canes on Twitter | February 16, 2022
Jaccob Slavin and his wife, Kylie, with their two dogs, Simba and Lola, during Christmas 2016(Source
Jeff Skinner and his sister, Jillian, with his dog(Source:
Red Wings [4] Hurricanes [2]
9116:via @Canes on Twitter | March 16, 2022
doubleminor: the metropolitan division of the national hockey league. click for higher resoluti
14daystohockey day 14 - Top 3 teams you are most hopeful for the upcoming seasontemplate not mine
14daystohockey day 12 - Worst moment of the playoffs 2021↳ The Carolina Hurricanes’ loss
14daystohockey day 5 - Favorite line↳ The SAT line
14daystohockey day 4 - Favorite division↳ The Metropolitan Divisiontemplate by ckhoot