Coastia Gallery
rosetty: premxa: tauah: ghinseng: coastia: A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work
lushlity: rosetty: lushlity: coastia: Live like nature. Explode slowly, day by day, from the center
coastia: I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive. More at Lushlity
anxiedhy: coastia: I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive. A N X I E D H Y Mor
aurorant: sassyeh: coastia: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you somethin
coastia: inspodior: I N S P O D I O R As time goes on, you’ll understand. What lasts, lasts; w
amazely: arunnai: toffeely: lushlity: planteh: mauvexh: coastia: People only bring up your past when
coastia: I wish I could press the fast forward and see if you are worth the wait. Have courage and b
phearl: mahgari: bhliss: coastia: Your life is your own. DON’T waste it trying to be what othe
fhaint: coastia: Those who are heartless once cared too much. q’d more posts like this h
dehfine: coastia: You dance secretly inside my heart, where no one else can see. - Rumi D
mhango: coastiah: cohziest: flawiest: palmxcoast: coastia: There’s nothing sexier than a man w
coastia: I hope there are days when you fall in love with being alive. More at Lushlity
coastia: A gentle word, a kind look, a good-natured smile can work wonders and accomplish miracles.
goldoux: coastia: I stare at you like people do at shooting stars. Have courage and be kind xx Lush
coastia: aquamarihne: premxa: aestheticales: // p r e m x a xx c o a s t i a Lush
coastia: You have to be happy with your own company before you try to accompany someone else.
coastia: The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you ca
coastiah:q’dn i t r o x e d
excludeing:toffeely:desiering:mauvaish:coastiah:COASTIAH//d e s i e r i n gt o f f e e l yYou’re bea
kartuzi:toffeely:halcyin:liquist:soulhs:coastiah:lushlity:More at Lushlityq’dS O U L H SLiquist x//-
ocea:coastiah:daisaie:D A I S A I Eq’dAPPLY: BOTM | Faves w/ Ehsprit | Summer Bucket List Awards n i
chanelcry:coastiah:lushlity:awcken:A W C K E N || APPLY: BOTM|GLAM BOTM|QUEUE GROUPLushq’d c h a n e
coastiah:eruhption:rhosal:redivide:mahgari:sassyeh:+m a h g a r iredivide++q’d