Coloredpencil Gallery
rin aikawa
bill rauch
enjoy yourself
✨Littlegrey✨ I have so many projects in mind, I hope I will be able to work on them soon. This tiny
@retoyman Portrait of Amelia Zerbe from her IG April 24th 2018. I made few drawings and paintings as
: . #1minworks #illustration #sketch #painting #doodle #drawing #childrenillustration #coloredpencil
: 如果有一個人一直住在心裡面 那麼就再也住不進其他人 情人節快樂❤️ / 以前很喜歡杯麵 大大的感覺被抱起來好溫暖 一定是最牢靠的靠山 ⛰️ . #1minworks #illustration #
: 今年的壓歲錢也要好好存錢來喔! 之我也好想要壓歲錢(ಥ_ಥ) / :過年不能睡懶覺會懶一整年 :那我要趕快來睡覺了 今年志向仍要懶懶的過 . 吃的像豬仙 睡的像豬神 一切都會合理化的 實踐本命年
: 在沒有人的時候 一個人小聲的哼著歌 做著自己喜歡的事情 在腦海的白日夢裡夢遊 在心裡開出一朵花 是最喜歡也最奢侈的時刻 . 之前沒被選上的槍稿 從以前就特別喜歡鯨魚 到現在還是一樣喜歡 . #1
: 以前槍稿畫的小鳥們 被姊姊做成一系列的刺繡口金包 最喜歡就是蕾絲裙的小鳥了! 現在飛去魚露店裡囉! 喜歡可以去彰化看看他們~ 也可以看看其他很棒的選物 每次看他發的新品就好想跑去買 . 白日夢時間
: 那時候買了市集的橡果項鍊 覺得自己像隻松鼠 ️ 特別喜歡果實類的小東西 (ू ͒•‧̫•ू ͒) . #1minworks #illustration #painting #drawing #do
: 青蛙擴音器 . #painting #drawing #doodle #illustrationforkids #sketch #coloredpencil #dance #forest #chi
Another Marie Antoinette sketch today. I’ve been practicing from the film stills. I still need to wo
Here’s a #wipwednesday I did in my #sketchbook last night. I’m super excited to scan this in and tur
Not always gonna like everything you make. Make stuff anyway.#uglydragon #itscauseigaveitfur #doodli
Estudinho feito com lápis aquareláveis da @staedtlerbrasil ! Claramente não sei o que tô fazendo mas
❤️Happy Halloween❤️ A simple throwback sketch for a very simple Halloween. Stay safe, spooksters! ..
So many print tests… And this isn’t even half of them! I couldn’t figure out why
Coloring practice on #procreate this morning. Thinking i maybe went a bit too chromatic? Color is an
WIP from this morning, inspied by midge pupae. Cant wait to watercolor this when i get back home. .
This Mandarin Duck is on his way to New Jersey. @etsy #drawing #art #duck #mandarinduck #coloredpenc