Coriesu Gallery
jay duplass
riio lee
coriesu:The Seven Sacramentsby Pietro Antonio Novelli, 1779
coriesu:St. ScholasticaUnknown artist
coriesu:The Death of Saint ScholasticaFrancesco Bartolozzi –1760
coriesu:Feb. 12th. —Latin Calendar—The Seven Holy Founders of the ServitesUnknown artist
coriesu:Our Lady of LourdesUnknown artist
coriesu:Christ before PilateNicolaas Lauwers⏤1625
coriesu: Holy FamilyCarl Müller—1872Black and white chalk on grey paper
coriesu:Christ appears to his MotherRicardo Yañez de la Almedina –15th. century
coriesu:St. Nicholas of TolentinoJuan Pantoja de la Cruz––1601
coriesu:Christ the KingSt. George church, NY.Detail
tgmember:handmaid-of-god:coriesu:Temptation of Christ Anselm Feuerbach —1857Jesus is 100% done with
coriesu:“… Respondit Iesus: Tu dicis quia Rex sum Ego.”(…Jesus answered: you say it, I am King)St. J
coriesu:Christ the King
coriesu:Christ of the Sweet Death⏤2014Guadalajara; SpainFrancisco Romero Zafra(Sculptor)
coriesu:Adam and EveJulius Paulsen —1887
coriesu: ––Latin Calendar––Feast of Christ the King (last Sunday in october)Unknown artist
coriesu:Jan. 02nd —Latin Calendar—The Holy Name of JesusUnknown artist1860@flyingbabyheads
coriesu:Night at Calvary Vasily Vereshechagin
coriesu: Prayer of St. Gertrude to release 1000 souls from Purgatory: “Eternal Father, I offer Thee
coriesu:Christ in the Garden of GethsemaneArkhip Ivanovich Kuinji –1901
coriesu:Why seek ye the living among the dead?John Stanhope –1870
coriesu:St. ScholasticaUnknown artist –17th. century
coriesu: Cristo del descendimiento (detail)Fernando Aguado-sculptor
coriesu: St. Margaret of Scotland washing the feet of the poorUnknown artist