Cotton Paper Gallery
cute bondage
Snakes and weaselsOil on cotton paperCelene Bridge
DetailOil on cotton paperCelene Bridge
Still life detailOil on cotton paperCelene Bridge
Still life progressOil on cotton paper Celene Bridge
ofskfe: Paris/Vel d'Hiv, Lisa Rosowsky, 2011. Two-sided quilt. Cotton, polyester, paper, glas
The Cicada’s Abdomen (I), 2020| Indigo dyed Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Nylon #indigo #natural
We Bled, We Are Bleeding, We Will Bleed | 2020 Madder, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Brass & N
A Woman’s Head and Shoulder, 2020| Madder, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Brass & Nylon #woman
The Dove’s Wing & Shoulder (IOF), 2020 | Indigo and Old Fustic dyed Cotton, Paper, Tyv
Part of the Cicada’s Abdomen & 3rd Leg, 2020| Old Fustic, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Nylon
We Bled (Female Torso) 2020 Madder, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Brass & Nylon 134x94,5x32 cm
We Are Bleeding (The Doves’s Wing and Shoulder) 2020 | Madder, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Bra
We Will Bleed ( The Cicada’s Abdomen) 2020 | Madder, Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Brass &am
The Rat’s Tail and Right Hind Leg (H), 2020| Henna & Iron Sulfate, Cotton, Paper, Tyve
The Dove’s Wing & Shoulder (I1), 2020| Indigo dyed Cotton, Paper, Tyvek, Wood, Nylon #
The Cicada’s Abdomen & Thorax, 2020| Old Fustic and Indigo dyed Cotton, Paper, Tyvek,
The Unicorns Head & Front Leg (PFL), 2019| acrylic on folded paper, folded leather, indigo d
The Dragonflies 3rd Leg (PFL), 2019| folded paper, folded leather, madder dyed folded cotton | aprox
The Cicadas’ 3rd Leg, 2020| Old Fustic, on folded cotton & paper #oldfustic #yellowwoo
Cicada Series … Madder, Old Fustic and Henna on Cotton & Paper … #fol
A Womens Chest, 2020| Indigo, on Cotton & Paper #indigo #naturaldyeing #folded #cotton #uni
A Locust’s Antennae & Mandibles 2020| Weld on cotton & paper #weld #naturaldy
The Doves’ Wing, 2019| Indigo & Old Fustic, on folded cotton & paper | 40x50 c
The Dragonflies’ Abdomen, 2019| Henna, on folded cotton & paper | 40x50 cm #Henna #na