Cute Birds Gallery
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Yoshi licking things part 9: twin birb
Yoshi licking things part 8: a nose
Yoshi licking things part 7: her favorite human… again…
Yoshi licking things part 6: her favorite human.
Yoshi licking things part 5: my hand
Yoshi licking things part 4: the laptop keyboard
Yoshi licking things part 3: the PS3 controller
Yoshi licks things part 2: the organ keys
Yoshi licking things part 1: the camera lens
Nothing goes to waste if you just use your imagination
Breakfast time… featuring birds!
ocelotlover: Some valentine day i did for fun XDLove the first on :D
Bombycilla garrulus/Waxwings
Cute birds everywhere
Preorder by 2/7 with your local comic shop if you want to get your hands on “Children of Lir&r
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Happy Valentine’s Day
Meet my six lovely ladies!!!!! After years of waiting, and then a few more months during lockdown, I
The Cape Barren or Pig Goose is one of the rarest geese in the world, found mostly in small islands
A few beautiful Australian Shelducks at WWT Slimbridge, looking super glossy and gorgeous in the sun
A super sleepy Andean Goose at WWT Slimbridge.This little cutie (look at that tiny pink beak!) is no
A male Tufted duck sitting on the warm shore at WWT Slimbridge, surrounded by feathers and quacking
A cormorant spreading it’s wings to dry them in the sun at WWT Slimbridge.I am not entirely su
A handsome Redhead Drake at WWT Slimbridge, with his distinctive ruddy brown head and golden eye. Si