Digital Libraries Gallery
carlos spes
dru hill
mijoo lovelyz
rogues regiment
Illustrations left folded.Throughout Annual Report of the Buffalo Park Commissioners (1871). Or
Strategically located on four locks of the Miami-Erie Canal, the village of Lockland was planned in
Strategically located on four locks of the Miami-Erie Canal, the village of Lockland was planned in
Collection of library stamps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
Black skimmer or shearwater. From John James Audubon’s Birds of America v.04, 1836.
Neon colors and employee’s fingers.Throughout A Funeral Sermon on the Death of Miss Susannah H
Employee’s fingers.From the front matter of A Dissertation on the Prophecies Relative to Antic
Unavailable images.Throughout The Charm: A Collection of Sunday School Music by Phillip Paul Bl
“For Lord, read Logos,” and “For wrote, read wrought.”Errata slip photograph
Torn page.From p. 246 of Where Shall We Go? A Guide to the Healthiest and Most Beautiful Watering Pl
Severe distortion.Throughout The Fox by Thomas F. Dale (1906). Original from the University of
Crayon-colored musical staff.From p. 9 of Good Cheer! by S. W. Straub (1874). Original from the
The halo of a removed flower.From p. 390-391 of A Debate Between Rev. A. Campbell and Rev. L.N. Rice
Ever have one of those classes?Idle page number doodles.From p. 131 of John Keats: A Literary B
Wrinkled paper.From the front matter of Del Cane di Dingene (1687). Original from the National Centr
Annotation: “Not So!!!” and “Stop!” See entire text for more,
Illustration left folded.From the back matter of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societ
Employee’s hand. From p. 259 of The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches by W. E. Bur
Rocked, chopped. Throughout Practical Discourses On All the Parts and Offices of the Liturgy of the
18th century manicule illustration. From the front matter of Nouvelle Pratique d'Arithmétique
Employee’s hand covers text. From p. 20-21 of Auction Catalogue, pt. 2 by C.F. Libbie &
Bookplates (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).
Stamp spectrum. From p. 289 of Les Eaux Minérales de Sainte-Claire à Clermond-Ferrand
Mississippi kite. From John James Audubon’s Birds of America v.02, circa 1834-1834.