Dirtbarbie Gallery
daniel bodner
animal tail
There’s nothing better on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon than a badass #Motochick like the
Happy Friday to the beautiful & badass @rociocpinto
Nothing like a beautiful #motochick @dorinda_clinton_hock to start your Thursday
More kawi fun with the beautiful Jessi Instagram: @shortbikergirl
#MotoChickMonday with the beautiful & badass @roxygutierrez_
I was always under the impression that when I became a mother that I’d be transformed in to a
“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” - Barbara Kingsolve
“Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.” - Barbara K
Top roped the hell out of this route and glad I did @winterbrush lead this chossyness at night Phot
Partnerships. We all know that climbing requires a partner - minus those crazy free solo people. So
From her very first time in the #alabamahills to her most recent trip, this #adventurekid is always
This weekend is all #Disney and #birthdayparties but don’t worry - I’ll be dragging @ben
So happy the weather is cooling off and we get can back to some of our favorite local spots. @lillya
Taking falls on lead can be terrifying. Right before I got pregnant with #littlesunrise, I took a bi
So beyond grateful for the beautiful breathtaking ups, even though I forget just how radiant they ar
Keep holding on y’all! Weekend is almost here! #TBT —————&mdash
Sometimes I wonder if I’m crazy for loving climbing, hiking and the outdoors so much, but then
Ready to hit the #alabamahills and enjoy the warm weekend ♀️ Image by @benny_haddad —&m
Beyond proud of @lillyagar and it’s not for her climbing this time!! I’ve watched her st
Me and the #minicrusher are ready to #getoutsideandclimb this weekend! How’s everyone else spe
Texas Canyon is calling my name y’all! We’ll be there for some #sundayfundayclimbing wit
Take me back to my weekend freedom ♀️ Image by @lillyagar —————&
The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. - Ayn Rand
Beyond grateful for the ability to capture these happy moments and to be able to reflect on them yea