Documentary Art Gallery
Mural in progress by @girenhao in Tainan, Taiwan for @powwowtaiwan @powwowworldwide #streetart #gra
A selfie of part of a mural by Dutch artist Fleks @fleksone in Ximen, Taipei. #streetart #graffiti
An indoor piece by Buff Monster. For more details check out his Instagram @buffmonster #streetart #
Now I see why there is not so much graffiti in Taipei……. #streetart #graffiti #art #u
A JR piece @jr on Thompson St. In Manhattan. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #museum #ar
A new painting by Thai artist Alex Face @alexfacebkk in Ximen, Taipei. #streetart #graffiti #art #u
A truck art project by Okuda @okudart Madrid. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #museum #a
A recent mural by Eduardo Kobra @kobrastreetart of Arton Senna #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #ur
A photo by @b4_flight if a mural by #benhorton in Tokyo Japan. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #ur
Tristan Eaton in West Palm Beach @tristaneaton #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #museum #
JR @jr in Downtown Los Angeles. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #pasteup #artsy #artisti
A clever little piece by @iheartstencils #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #museum #artsy
@powwowtaiwan have spent the past week with the local Aboriginal Community. Prime @808urban and Lily
A paste up by Little Pink Pills @littlepinkpills in Tokyo, Japan. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban
A new mural by Aregentinian artist Patel @pastelfd in West Palm Beach, Florida #streetart #graffiti
A paste up by Dain @dain_nyc in NYC. #streetart #graffiti #art #urban #urbanart #museum #artsy #art
Another new piece by Thai artist Alexface @alexfacebkk in an Aboriginal Village in Nantau, Taiwan fo
A recent mural in Taipei, Taiwan by @dabs1yia and @omen514 fir the @powwowtaiwan photo @bshigeta #gr
@powwowtaiwan teach the local Aboriginal Community to paint with Prime @808urban and Lily @nigerlily
Prime @808urban spray paints at a local indigenous school for the Bunan Tribe in Nantau, Taiwan for
A new mural by Caratoes @caratoes in Nantau, Taiwan for @powwowtaiwan @powwowworldwide #streetart #g
A new piece by Prime @808urban at a local indigenous school for the Bunan Tribe in Nantau, Taiwan fo
Blackzoe spray paints at a local indigenous school for the Bunan Tribe in Nantau, Taiwan for @powwow
Prime @808urban paints at a local indigenous school in Nantau, Taiwan for @powwowtaiwan @powwowworld