Downhill Skateboarding Gallery
thriller novels
qaletaqa walker
icy cave
Goin’ switch down Big Rock.
Dustin Hampton & Kalil Hammouri at the Catalina Island Classic on the Phillip B
Chris Magnani
Prêmio Canal OFF 5 anos……..OBRIGADO pelo reconhecimento!bmfmoveme
Miles Parker overlooking the bay before the rain falls #entitlementurethane #TENDERLOINS #mpoal #lon
Sliding through the burbs of the trivalley w/ Andrew Medeiros : @bentlysphotographs #entitlementuret
Patrick Switzer at the Veggie High IDF race in the Philippinesphoto: Fifer Figueroa
Photo credit : Jon Sanchez (@platoux)
Patrick Switzer photo: Tamara Prader
Set Up of the week goes to Pelos with this Barge Sector 9 DD REY Trucks 45/45 Zombie Hawgs 84a
This past saturday sesh Ph Julio and Skateroad July 2016
Last weekend we went to skate “La Chabela” at Cuu Marzo 2016
Set up of the week goes to Andy with this beauty Abril 2016
This time we got the chance to go to the IDF Race “Laguna DH Race 3″ at Atoyac, Jal
Noe and Julio enjoying this sliding spot at Cuu, Mx Phs by SkateroadJun 2016
This weekend photos with Mau and Julio Phs Justis Mayo 2016
Yesterday Sesh was fun af Ph Julio Mayo 2016
Playing in the park with style Ph Julio Mayo 2016
Camilo Cespedes and Gerardo Moreno 5AmigosTour
This Saturday Sesh goes so well that we skate till the end of the day Ph by Julio Mayo 2016
“Battle for the Spot” RecapPh Andres NavarroFeb 2016
Today, pack runs were rad af Phs: Julio and Andres Ago 2016
Superstoked on 2015 and can’t wait to see what we’ll do for 2016!! Feliz a&ntild
C H E T. B O L S T R I D G E.summer seventeen