Drawthread Gallery
tom au
adetomiwa edun
osorezan revoir
Savage mountain tribe chief of the Red Suns.
Jazz singer elf.
Blonde goddesss with a stony complexion and a chainmail dress.
Three soldiers in front of a live rhino-sizes rhino-beetle.
Elf queen in ornate plate armor with a look of anger and disgustedness.
Dwarf Warlock with Shub-Niggurath spell book.Quickest I got with this way of doing things.
Catfolk woman in pilot jumpsuit.
Crusader crusading in frigid winter.
Canadian lumberjack woman in plaid shirt (how else?).
A legless goblin in a wagon pulled by two wolves.
Witch-huntress sitting on a coffin with her latest target in it, eating fruit.
Zygodactyle armadillo-chamelion people with whiskers and bunny ears.
Stenographer and blogger in the world of Shadowrun.
another drawthread request featuring peridot
Star Wars RPG villian.
Half-orc presenting a bag of gold.
A siren radio host.
Minotour druid meditating on a rowing boat.
Elderly sorceress on her first big journey trying to complete her exotic dishes cookbook.
Tiefling magic user.
Superpowered girl on a raft eating a sandwich.
White haired woman in white coat.
Two items for /tg/: Left a spiked gauntlet with surgical/torture tools, right a mask.
Undead medusa in tattered cloak.The design of this request was based on veneno by larenn.