Dream—escape Gallery
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Sweet escape. Romania.
june 8. i am a witch woman; high on tobacco and holy water. i’m a woman delighted with her dis
Paper Dreams - “Her Sweet Escape” From “Stories of Elsewhere” Series Mouna Tahar photography
zimmermann-sydney:Resort Swim 17: Friday afternoon has us dreaming of a tropical escape in our Carav
I’ve been humming and cooing at my little fire escape garden all summer, whilst dreaming of a plot t
chastity-teasing-femdom: twitter.com/Ales9_Naktova - submissve cuckolds My dream. No escape
you thinkyou are anonymousyou tell yourselfyou are safeyou can look at tumblryou can visit drone pag
yes it is confusingdisorientingto be lost and alone in a coldcruel worldlet us return youto the safe
for drone the certainty of submissionis freedomis preferable tothe chaosof liberty
drone sees you drone sees you resistwhat you know is rightwhat you know is your destinydrone knows i
at the Facilitydrone stands for inspectionbefore its supervisor
dronejoint training exercise
youand everyone you knowwill become droneit is simply a matter of timeand your time is now
you are droneeveryday you are droneeverywhere you are drone
no longer a faceidentity encasedyou will serveand obeynow a droneis your way
you are dronetransformed into whatever the hive requiresone day you might be above othersbut ultimat
you will join usyou will be transformedyou will obeyyou will become droneyou will
after a long daydrone reststomorrowwill beanother long day
…revealing that she is, in fact, a drone
your everyday life WILL be drone
what does drone dream about?drone dreams are the same as drone realitydrone reality is the same as d
like a dream that you never can awaken fromtrappedencased ‘bounddroneserveobey