Europeanart Gallery
met-european-sculpture:Snuffbox by Louis Charonnat, Metropolitan Museum of Art: European Sculpture a
met-european-sculpture:Mother goat and suckling kid by Meissen Manufactory, Metropolitan Museum of A
A Lane through the Trees by Camille Corot, European PaintingsBequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913Metropo
Portrait of a Man by Corneille de Lyon, European PaintingsTheodore M. Davis Collection, Bequest of T
Book Cover by ItalianPainter, European PaintingsRogers Fund, 1910Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Yor
Interior of a Gothic Church at Night by Pieter Neeffs the Younger, European PaintingsPurchase, 1871M
Head of Christ by Emmanuel Tzanès, European PaintingsGift of Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, 1933Metropolitan
Gardanne by Paul Cézanne, European PaintingsGift of Dr. and Mrs. Franz H. Hirschland, 1957Metropolit
A Young Woman at Her Toilet with a Maid by Gerard ter Borch the Younger, European PaintingsGift of J
Portrait of a Woman by Peter Adolf Hall, European PaintingsMr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection
met-european-sculpture:Mother goat and suckling kid by Meissen Manufactory, Metropolitan Museum of A
met-european-sculpture:Pair of Torah finials (rimonim) by Andrea Zambelli “L'Honnesta”, Metropolitan
met-european-sculpture:Swan (one of a pair) by Meissen Manufactory, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Euro
The Annunciation by Girolamo Mazzola Bedoli, European PaintingsPurchase, Gwynne Andrews Fund, James
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte — 1884, Georges Seurat, 1884, Art Institute of Chicago: European Paintin
View on the Quirinal Hill, Rome by Simon Denis, European PaintingsThe Whitney Collection, Gift of Wh
Portrait of a Woman by Rembrandt, European PaintingsBequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913Metropolitan Mus
Madonna and Child with Angels by Sassetta, European PaintingsGift of George Blumenthal, 1941Metropol
Portrait of the Artist’s Sister, Georges Lemmen, 1891, Art Institute of Chicago: European Pain
Christmas Card (The Artist Painting) (Blatt auf Weihnachten [Der Künstler malend]), Cuno Amiet, 1928
Portrait of Ernest Kreidolf in Profile (Bildnis Ernest Kreidolf im Profil), Cuno Amiet, 1927, Brookl
The Banks of the Bièvre near Bicêtre, Henri Rousseau, ca. 1908–09, European PaintingsGift of Marshal
The Repast of the Lion, Henri Rousseau, ca. 1907, European PaintingsBequest of Sam A. Lewisohn, 1951
met-european-sculpture:Vase (one of a pair) by Meissen Manufactory, Metropolitan Museum of Art: Euro