Exotic-venom Gallery
clement puyoou
exotic-venom: (Bothrops atrox) common lancehead
exotic-venom: (Hoplocephalus bitorquatus) Pale-headed snake Found in rock outcroppings, under
exotic-venom: Malcolm’s pitviper (Trimeresurus sumatranus malcomi) East Malaysia at 1,00
nourgelitnius:exotic-venom: (Atheris squamigera) variable bush viper
exotic-venom:(Cerastes cerastes) Desert horned viper
exotic-venom:(Trimeresurus trigonocephalus) Sri Lankan green pitviperMainly hemotoxic. Reported huma
exotic-venom:(Protobothrops mangshanensis) Mangshan viper
exotic-venom: (Cerastes cerastes) Saharan horned viper, desert horned viper
exotic-venom: Bungarus candidus Common Names: Malayan krait, blue krait, Baluer Krait Venom Cha
exotic-venom: (Bothrops moojeni) Brazilian lancehead B. moojeni is an important cause of human snake
exotic-venom: (Bothriechis lateralis) side-striped palm-pitviper Mainly hemotoxic w/ strong pr
exotic-venom: (Bitis nasicornis) rhinoceros viper Habitat: Found mainly in rain forests, swamps
exotic-venom: (Bitis gabonica) Gaboon viper Longest fangs of any snake species in the world, often 4
exotic-venom:(Bothrops erythromelas) Caatinga lancehead or the jararaca-da-seca
exotic-venom: (Micropechis ikaheka) New Guinea small-eyed snake, ikaheka snake Highly myotoxic
exotic-venom: (Naja annulifera) Banded Egyptian cobra, snouted cobra (juvenile) 
exotic-venom: (Crotalus durissus terrificus) Cascavel
exotic-venom: (Bothrops insularis) Golden lancehead
exotic-venom: (Naja nivea) Cape cobra
exotic-venom: (Naja mossambica) Mozambique spitting cobra Venom mainly cytotoxic & can cause
exotic-venom: (Trimeresurus popeorum) Pope’s pit viper Northern India, Burma,&
exotic-venom:(Trimeresurus kanburiensis) Kanburi pitviper
exotic-venom:(Pseudechis porphyriacus) Red-bellied black snake
exotic-venom:(Naja samarensis) Samar cobra