Floam Stim Gallery
site:tumblr.com no fear beddin
site:tumblr.com hobby 4
site:tumblr.com ice age 4
site:tumblr.com lisa todd hee
ochako uraraka icon by @nanashimurax / x / x | x / x / x | x / x / x
goodvibesslimes on ig
Neko stim board with coloured pink, blue, and green with bathbombs, crystals, and slime/floam.
Video credits go to myself -slayitslime
| fruityslimefactory
Genderfluid Lynx-17 with floam, soft & rough things, and bath bombs❆ ❆ ❆ / ❆ ❆ ❆ / ❆ ❆ ❆
Aberration x x x || x x x || x x x
Dr. Coyle (ARMS)gif credits (also in captions): @sensorygif @sensoryjar @sunshinestimming @sushi-sti
ochako uraraka icon by @nanashimurax / x / x | x / x / x | x / x / x
Pinkie Pie (MLP:FiM) Stimboard (with candy floss & floam) for Anonx x x / x x / x x x