Funny Quote Gallery
viktorija zilinskaite
inspector cotta
rena detrixhe
18444902616 - whoever always looks for greener grass on the
17572136943 - its never too late to turn it all around be
17833637317 - forgiving people who have hurt you is your gift to
32308869006 - saying yes to happiness means learning to say no
22155575856 - find someone that isnt afraid to admit they miss
20180814635 - never change yourself for anyone if they say you
34347865307 - a true friend accepts who you are but also helps
22062769597 - life will get much better when you stop caring
21242981285 - someone else is happy with less than what you
32186162338 - the greatest challenge is life is discovering who
17572429875 - happiness is a choice not a result nothing will
32790416903 - theres just not enough toilet paper in the world
20050342279 - no matter who you are or what you do there will
17364267107 - the worst thing about being lied to is knowing
19306341400 - the past is where you learned the lesson the
33819645679 - dont question why you are single question why
17802647763 - its better to live your own life imperfectly than
19808977045 - life is short and unpredictable dont waste
artsymeeshee: don’t know if this fits at all with the Pines but the quotes seemed funny enough
Thought of the day from the Washington Square Park Dog Run.
19248417430 - until you let go of all the toxic people in your
22617752753 - forget about what everyone else thinks and says
20210907566 - just because you have a past with someone doesnt
20301391563 - be yourself always be yourself the right people