Gesture Drawing Gallery
I love this show, great gesture study#thegetdown #gesturedrawing #gesture #drawing #character #visde
Fooling around during break at gesture drawing #drawing #gesturedrawing #dinosaur
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I love gesture drawing so much I don’t think you understand.
yosthi-scribbles-and-drabbles:Some bird gesture drawings to start my morning, complete with one gett
more figure draws
Sketchbook: People drawing off the internet
afx171:taeyong gesture drawing, because his clothing in the 7th sense MV are too great not to [x]do
doodle stuff
some gesture drawings
a bunch of studies… all from reverence Twitter - Website - Youtube
O_o …big fatt boobies…
not a leg day XD
11-11-20 gesturin and 30 minute landscape studies (painting is really fun!! who’da thunk it)
11-05-20 gestures yo
11-03-20 gesture practice!
gesture practice from a couple days ago! i did 10 reps for 120 seconds each and im workin on making
I found a life drawing group in Halifax AAAAAAAHHHHHH so happy.
scribbledigooks:More gesture studies of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers :) These are so much fun to d
Gesture drawing from Bodies in Motion
Twig and Ink Series #49.
Twig and Ink Series #48.
Twig and Ink Series #50.
Twig and Ink Series #47.