Gun Model Gallery
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The Greene Barnekov Model 1872,Invented by a Mr. Greene and Mr. Keil Barnekov of New York in 1872, t
German DWM produced Model 1902 Luger carbine.from Rock Island Auction Co.
Engraved Colt Model 1877 Thunderer double action revolver with carved pearl grips, manufactured in 1
Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket Hammerless Semi-Auto Pistol with pearl grips.from Amoskeag Auction
Rare Sharps Nips Model 1849 Breechloading Rifle,A rare Sharps variant made by Albert S. Nippes of Mi
The Flieger-Doppelpistole Model 1919,The Flieger Doppelpistole was a Swiss creation shortly after Wo
Model 1877 Bulldog Gatling gun in use by American soldiers in Manila during the Philippine American
Gold damascene embellished Colt Model 1851 percussion pistolfrom Rock Island Auctions
Winchester Mode 1866 lever action “musket model” with bayonet.from Rock Island Auctions
US Springfield Model 1855 carbine,from Rock Island Auctions
Austrian Model 1851 percussion cavalry carbine, imported for use during the American Civil War.from
World War I US Remington Model 10 trench shotgun.from Rock Island Auctions
gunsngear:The Model 1917 Trench Gun“The model 1917 trench gun is a result ofa collaboration between
Engraved Remington Model 8F semi automatic rifle, early 20th century.Sold at Auction: $8,000
Rare US Army contract Winchester-Hotchkiss Model 1883 bolt action rifle.
Japanese Model 38 Carbine
The Colt Model 1889 Navy Revolver,in the later half of the 19th century, there were two common ways
Engraved and pearl handled Smith and Wesson Model 1-½ revolver, mid to late 19th century.
A French Model 1853 Gendarmie percussion musketoon.
Engraved, gold plated, sapphire studded Colt Model 1903 with ivory grips. Shipped to Richards &
French Model 1777 flintlock musketfrom Czerny’s International Auction House
The Springfield Model 1903A3By the time the United States had entered World War II in December of 19
German Mauser Model 1896 broomhandle carbinefrom Rock Island Auctions
Revolutionary War issued French Model 1766 flintlock musket with US surcharge markings.from Rock Isl