Hindu Art Gallery
Wooden relief depicting the Hindu deity Shiva as slayer of demons. Artist unknown; late 16th or earl
Vrishanana Yogini, 10 century, Uttar Pradesh.This deity was stolen from a temple in Lokhari village
Udaipur palace room, Rajasthan, photo by Kevin Standage, more at https://kevinstandagephotography.wo
Devata emerging from the mouth of a naga, Cham aart from Vietnam
A grey stone stele of Chamuda, Nepal
Uddhava consoling the women of Braj
Harihara from Badami, Karnataka, photo by kevin Standage, more at https://kevinstandagephotography.w
Vishnu and Lakshmi
Durga Mahishasuramardini from Nepal
Detail of Shiva sculpture, Chola period, Photo by @ramkkm
Gajalakshmi, Gangaicondacholapuram temple, Tamil Nadu, photo by AMJSHOTS
Radha and Krishna, Bengali style
Beautiful shrine
Lingam and Yoni, by Mukti Singh Thapa, Nepal
The Hindu Princess by Romain Tirtoff aka Erté (1987)
Yamuna Devi
Krishna and Balarama with their foster parents Nanda and Yashoda, pre-Mughal Bhagavata Purana series
Goddess, south indian sculpture
Shiva, Nepal
Donor sculpture, Hari Narasinha 923 Nepal Samvat (1812 CE)
Durga and sons on Ganga at Kolkata, photo by Subhrarup Banerjee
Shiva, Tamil Nadu
Kamadeva from Java, photo by Anandajoti Bhikkhu