Hira Gallery
江川あきら▽spark 南2ア16
Bicycles. There are many in Tokyo. It is a city bustling with them, and a lengthy stay there require
Japanese alphabet - Hiragana - Quilt by EmiShimosato02 on Flickr.
ilostmyheartintokyo: Hiragana sheet of kanji flashcards from white rabbit press
いけばな | 生け花 | Flower arrangement
せっけん | 石鹸 | Soap
あに | 兄 | Older brother
おとうと | 弟 | Younger brother
Colours (Colors) - 色(いろ) ____________________________________ Black: Kuro-i/ くろい/ 黒いBlue: Ao-i/ あおい/
1. Beach: umi / うみ/海2. City: tokai / とかい/都会3. Countryside: inaka / いなか/田舎4. Forest: shinrin / しんりん/森
Common animals in Japanese language. ____________ When learning to speak in Japanese, one must appro
さとう | 砂糖 | Sugar
happafaith: koulin: ukulady: tohru-adachi: walpurgisnacho: carry-on-my-jingle-butt: sigur-rosk
JLPT Level: UnlistedOmg I just noticed that the example sentence has こんこん in hiragana beside the kan
[526] びようし | biyōshi | hairdresserFor all the kanji and to support A R