History Memes Gallery
for realz
Picture of J. Robert Oppenheimer taken as he completed the final design of the atomic bomb. (1944)
Adolph Hitler’s final journal entry in his bunker (circa 1945)
The Cold War (1967) (Colourized)
Wine tasting is a hard job
Joseph Stalin visits Australia (1950)
Kim Jong-un crosses into South Korea (2018)
Y though?
Ted Cruz and his dad at the JFK assassination (colorized, November 22, 1963)
U.S. President Donald Trump announces foreign policy plans to the G7 summit (2018 CE)
Napoleon III coups his republic and proclaims himself emperor 1852
Can’t hide it anymore
Anti-vaxxer Tweeting about family goals, 2019
The cursed woman
What a lightweight
Moments Before The UK Declares War On Germany. [9/3/1939]
My new girlfriend said she gave great head…
The discovery of black women (1800 bc)
Stupid brain..
A lil Chinese history to start your day
Nintendo releases Detective Pikachu trailer (2018)
yoshikagesisland: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
The Fall of Russia,2019
Oof the little one has a long history
Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal (2018, colo