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龍虎 背中額彫り Tiger and Dragon Traditional Japanese Full Back Piece Repost from @starboy_belford #龍 #虎
鯉と菊 Koi with chrysanthemums #鯉 #菊 #koi #chrysanthemum #長袖 #traditionaljapaneselongsleeve #刺青 #tradi
亡霊知盛 Ghost Tomomori #知盛 #tomomori #亡霊 #ghost #船弁慶 #刺青 #traditionaljapanesetattoo #japanesetattoo #和彫
僕の力作が削除されてしまいました。 おティ○ティンは隠したつもりだったのですが、靴下を被せて隠すのはダメの様です。 皆さんも気をつけてくださいね。 My work was deleted. His p
般若面 #あともう一回 #almost #般若 #hannyamask #hannya #刺青 #手描き #traditionaljapanesetattoo #japanesetattoo #和彫り
虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo-Bosatsu #背中額彫り #虚空蔵菩薩 #刺青 #traditionaljapanesetattoo #japanesetattoo #和彫り #wabori #彫り物
梅福仙人 Hermit Baifuku #梅福仙人 #鳳凰仙人 #baifuku #wizard #hermit #houou #鳳凰 #japanesetattoo #和彫り #wabori #彫
Between work and family life I’m still managing to work on designs for the second edition of my book
First session on this today. Thanks James. #tora #ryu #tiger #dragon #irezumi #horimono #wabori #ja
I’m working on new designs for a second instalment of my book Kame No Koh. The first edition is sti
生首散らし FRESH severed head collection #生首 #severedhead #刺青 #traditionaljapanesetattoo #japanesetattoo
Finished the linework and started some shading on this #kintaro and #koi leg design. Thanks Billy.
Nearly finished this design, one more session should do it. Thanks Jay. #shishi #foodog #irezumi #h
Email me to arrange a consultation and get booked in. filwood@me.com Thanks #irezumi #horimono #wab
Good session today to get pretty much all of the background done. Thanks Billy. #koi #kintaro #irez
Good session today to get the body of the #shishi done. Thanks Michael. #foodog #irezumi #horimono
Completed this design on Saturday. Thanks Lee. #irezumi #horimono #wabori #japanesetattoo #japanese
Adding some background to this sleeve with various tattoos by various tattooists. Thanks Karl. #ire
胸割り半ズボン Munewari half pants #唐獅子 #獅子の子落とし #獅子 #胸割り #karajishi #munewari #刺青 #traditionaljapanesetat
Good progress today on this #coverup Thanks Pete. #koi #irezumi #horimono #wabori #japanesetattoo #
Working on designs and trying to innovate can be challenging but that’s part of the excitement of ou
Japanese crane and kite design started today. Thanks Dan #tsuru #irezumi #horimono #wabori #japanese
I’ve got appointments available in May and June. Get in touch through email to arrange getting book
Second session to start the background shading on this #benzaiten #ryu sleeve. Thanks Andy. #irezum