House Gryffindor Gallery
champagne bag
saint denis
file under things that matter to me, exclusively: sorting my d&d characters into hogwarts houses
31daysofharry week 4 - gryffindor My house my people ✨
tjnagoldstein: @hpminorcharnet creation event: house pride week one: gryffindor - dean thomas &qu
The Men of “Star Trek”: All House Edition
Bravery never goes out of style. submitted by girlwiththeradishearrings, earning 10 for Gryffindor.
scorpiusmilfoy:hp memeϟ one house: gryffindor
For my World of Wizardry fans! Support your House! Each mug has the Hogwarts Crest on one side and t
This was going to be #gryffindor #makeup but I feel more like it’s #fawkes #phoenix vibes. I&r
remusjohnslupin:gryffindor + house traits
Persona Moodboard (Request) : Personal : Gryffindor / Thunderbird / ENFP / Virgo Sun / Sagittarius R
heathers-and-a-hermione: Hogwarts House Aesthetic: Gryffindor “The most courageous act is still to
accioakhaten: So try me on and I will tell youWhere you ought to be.
reyskywalkres: aesthetics. hogwarts houses
slytherin-larrie: hogwarts house aesthetics, seasons; gryffindor as autumn [x] ‘fall has always be
alishenciya: Modern Hogwarts Founders | Godric Gryffindor
danitshotdontliedanisonfire: Hogwarts Houses + Elements (x) Gryffindor: fireHufflepuff: earthRaven
foundersofhogwarts: By Gryffindor, the bravest were prized far beyond the rest; For Ravenclaw, the
I need to stop…
debbie-sketch:Hogwarts Houses common rooms in Halloween season
Anybody else like to show some Wampus house spirit for the school of Ilmervorny?
nathyfaith:HP Houses: Gryffindor for @twobookshelvesfull