Jo Biden Gallery
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It’s on Us challenges pledge-takers to make specific commitments to help end the nationwide epidemic
MESSAGE FROM VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN“Tonight, I had the honor of introducing Lady Gaga at the Oscar
“EROC co-founders joined Lady Gaga and 50+ survivors of campus sexual violence on the Oscars stage f
“Check out this amazing article from People Magazine on #EROC, #TillItHappensToYou, and The #Oscars
“Vote For Nobody!" Seen in Detroit, Michigan
Mural in Berlin by Tobo
radicalgraff:Anarchist banners seen hanging in Washington DC on the eve of the Biden inauguration
rainbowdoom32:Also more kids in cages! Biden has opened another detention center to hold immigrant c
huffingtonpost:huffpostqueervoices:Joe Biden Officiates Same-Sex Wedding For White House Staffers“Pr
I like how Bernie fails every metric that he and his campaign/supporters parrot as the reasons why h
omghotmemes:All hail Matt Groening, the prophetThat moment when leftists lowkey know that Biden high
frontpagewoman:President Obama and VP Biden pay respect to the victims of the Orlando shooting.
benedictinelove:doctortwhohiddles:I live in a suburb of Philadelphia. A nice, small town. Black, whi
chatnoirs-baton:To Joe Biden, the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware’s favorite son: you
So proud of my Mom for voting for the first time ever!If she can do it, so can you!Visit iwi
[Elections] are all selections and none of them are important because the American people have no sa
i-hate-chick-fil-a:Lisa Lerer of the The New York Times reports Tara Reade says that Biden supporter
micdotcom:At the American Constitution Society’s convention Thursday, Vice President Biden explained
fakehistory:Joe Biden gives Stephanie Carter a shoulder rub during her husband’s inauguration (2015)
randomfandomteacher:sadhuman:a tributeI want to love something as much as Joe Biden loves vanilla ic
brianadoesotherjunk:Just a reminder that even though the media says Biden has this by the horns—- he
With Medicare for All you are free to chose your doctor or hospital
therealkingzo:bando–grand-scamyon:littledeconstruction:refinery29:Joe Biden crashed a college party