Kagura Yato Gallery
so like. .. I skechted kagura hugging sadaharu and then I’ve remembered that zura lo
some sketches
Been watching Gintama a lot recently so here’s Kagura that I drew a while ago :DPlease do not
eli umbrella~
nothing so good as oversized sweater. with elizabeth.
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gintama 2016 calendrierto buy it (japanese version): www.neowing.co.jp/product/NEO
ultra orange yato queen of kabukicho
a doodle that accidentally turned into kagura
hi i love gintama and kagura is best girl
gin tama was really wholesome and i wanted more of it
Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57550429
Kamui x Kagura Wallpapers (640x1136px)
Tfw your ship is a bottle cap in the ocean ; ; I had to draw something cute for it anyway ;;;;;;;;;;
beautiful family *___*
Kagura so precious!! (/≧▽≦)/
Gintama x Persona
Source: twitter.com/mnm217_null/status/682471061275820032
alchemiq: Yato Kagura, Sakata Gintoki and Shinpachi Shimura | Gintama Fanart by: もにかにこ
Tfw your ship is a bottle cap in the ocean ; ; I had to draw something cute for it anyway ;;;;;;;;;;
Source: www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54843413
dekuzs: #gintamaweekend ↪ Samurai Heart >> Option 05: Saddes
Okita (longhair): Clam down my boy… I’m you!! Okita (shorthair): ….