Kin Stim Gallery
Autistic Kerfuffle stimboard! | |
[ x x x | x x x | x x x ]
Archangel Michael stimboard with gold, marble, and coffee![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
Vibri stimboard!!![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
6 Stimboard![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
x x x / x x x / x x xFischl stimboard for myself, sincerest apologies if anything was credited wrong
nikandlily (via diyproguru)Please credit me if you use these!
Anonymous said: could you do a stimboard for a pigeon kin? with wing stims and paper burning? t
■ ■ ■ | ■ ■ ■ | ■ ■ ■ Enderman stim boardDNI Banner made by Scribblesstimz
aromantic stimboard with no trypo or cutting for kolby-alexander !!
stimmyidols: unidolized taisho roman honoka kousaka stimboard for @kingthreshie (ft my bread turtle
Eveline stimboard with black and pink![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
✨ Star Gua
Buttercup stimboard with slime and glitter! requested by @sponfawn but feel free to reblog!![x/x/x/x
A blue stimboard for Dewey Duck![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
Daroach stimboard with stars![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
bitterautistic: Hanukkah Themed Kinetic Sand Jars! Slime also available! Since I am not Jewish and
Ted from kid n’ teenagers stimboard![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
Life stimboard![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
Jerome-092 stimboard with knives![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
2B black and white stimboard with machinery and abandoned buildings![x/x/x/x/ /x/x/x/x]
Odin Arrow stim board coloured purple and black