Kpop Confession Gallery
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*gestures animatedly*
toman napitupulu
BoA’s so-called “scandal” is such a non-issue and I’m glad t
From what I have read and heard about dispatch, I have a really hard time believing that the only mo
And he probably paid the bills
I know it’s been more than half a year since Conception ended and we’re on the verge of
Elimination shows really suck. Hearing one of VIXX talk about myDOL after so long was weird and I ca
17.05.12 — SEND YOUR VIXX CONFESSIONS ️All confessions are anonymous.
Is anyone else as worried as I am that ravi might one day leave the group? He’s said befor
When Hakyeon mentioned B.A.P on his radio show and stood up to encourage them, I cried. I miss B.A.P
Starlights need to stop acting like this fandom is one big happy family because it’s not. Are
I’m not considering anyone a true Starlight if they’re hating on a member, shami
I don’t know but I really like to see VIXX on a dating show like WGM. I’m just curious h
I was a Shawol until I saw Only U. Sometimes I wonder how VIXX managed to turn me into a Starlight b
It breaks my heart when I see confessions saying how they wish Leo would go join another group. VIXX
I honestly believe that Hongbin doesn’t like N, especially recently like in One Fine Day, when
I LOVE CATS. Therefore I LOVE Leo <3
Wish I could see the world in your eyes, Jaehwan. I wanna know how you can smile so sweet all the ti
I’m really happy that the songs Ravi and Leo wrote were featured on Boys’ Record. I hope
I sometimes wonder whether N keeps in contact with Eunyoung from Two X still, even though it’s
I like how VIXX Give us a window into their lives with the VIXX TV and having their own Twitters; bu
I am bothered by the fact that I know I may never get a chance to meet VIXX or see them Live here in
I get that Starlights want to protect N’s skin color and try to make the members realize t
Honestly as a Ravi stan, it sucks having him as the least popular out of the group. I just don&rsquo
Hongbin’s relationship with the other members (especially Ravi) seems to have become awkward o
Hongbin’s pink hair is the best thing to ever happen.