Language Tw Gallery
space dog
tvthemesinlatin:“One dollar for two bags of gummy bears?”“It’s like, I don’t even
bellygangstaboo:I feel like there should be a website dedicated too breaking down the coded language
coe-aildi:Online Indigenous language learning opens doors for far-flung tribal citizens“Five o'clock
Sinere aliquem alium sophophono tuo uti est incomprehensibile!Letting someone else use your smartpho
Hic usor plurimum pittae edit.
Nations of Europe in Irish, with Gaelic type.
Fortasse telephona monetalia evanescuntUt homines nos impedire possint quominus e Matrice effugiamus
ふらんすご | フランス語 | French (language)
master3languages:Jobs in Japanese!P.S. Start learning Japanese language the best way, just click her
快適 (kaiteki) – comfortable, pleasant**This is a “na” adjective**女の人は快適なベッドで寝ています。(onna no hito
Vestes balneares in proelio sumendas in eundem numerum ac vestes balneares ad ostentationem sumendas
Sed in schola media amicitiam cum mathematica facere diligenter conatura sum.But I’m gonna try
Neque AuscultaviBut I Didn’t Listen(Fons Imaginis.)
~~~Hic usor secundum librum coquit
reelingruinward:I don’t think I’ve ever identified with a word moreLatine:dormitare -o -avi -atum “t
Tellatouch Braillewriter, 1945/52 Braille is a tactile language developed in France by Louis Braille
roggyscanvas:This wretched language incapable of expressing this wretched longing And yet, this wret
blueeyedstark:“Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people togeth
earlhamclassics:Cicero’s Afterlife in Fan FictionYes. This happened. Professional classicists spent
hellotailor:on netflix, you can watch Star Trek: Discovery with klingon language subtitles.
Michael Jackson tells Bubbles the chimp in sign language to sit the fuck down and stop stealing sips
Euhoe, tempus est incendere omnia.Woo-hoo, time to burn everything.(Fons Imaginis.)
murhuedur:I’m soldSane, quia cum catapultae proscriptae erunt soli proscripti catapultas habebunt.
Orangutans are named not for the color, orange. Their name comes from the Indonesian and Malay word