Language Tw Gallery
thoodleoo:i love that greek has a word for people like meOptime!Versio Latina: cibidegus (cibus + de
lucilledraws:I’m not sorry~~~Vide omnes fututiones quas non do Vide eas Iyna
Discordia cornua vestra alasque abstulit?Terribiliter dolendum estDiscord took away your horns and w
Microrrhaphiscurrentsinbiology:Microneedle Peter DeMuthThis scanning electron micrograph shows an ar
LogicaNonnulli homines ea carentLogicSome people lack it
quintus5:This past semester I took a Logic course to fulfill my math requirement, but some of that s
Et cras, cras erit!
Formae in omnibus formis magnitudinibusque veniunt.Shapes come in all shapes and sizes.slowartday:Ly
Feles bellula conans currere ad apicem laborat, sed sicut Sisyphus frustra.The cute kitty works as h
Haec esse feles musica videtur!This seems to be a musical cat!
Feles loquentesTalking cats
awesome-picz:Cats That Fell Asleep In The Weirdest Places~~~Feles Quae in Locis Insolitissimis Obdor
…Dona tibi tuli!Dona caedium!formallyknownasdasalrune:swagolasthranduilion:
“Awww, non fortunae malae es…"Noli auscultare illis!”“Awww, you’
Nonnumquam lingere tuum fratrem debes.Sometimes you have to lick your sibling.
Quid significabas descenderem?Dixisti me angelum esse.(English version.)
picsthatmakeyougohmm:hmmmEcce feles e societate distantes.
Haec est imago photographica quae milibus annorum praeteritis facta est. Ecce potentia digitusque si
Haec magistra mea est Scriptrix operum fabulosorum est Tametsi difficultates et venandi et coeundi h
Nux Butyri magister pravae usurpationis psychologicae est.Butter Nut is the master of psychological
death-by-lulz:Honestly, if you don’t need a kitten stealing a pancake on your blog, it had better be
thoodleoo:he’s doing such a good job~~~Feles archaeologusque Nestor Davis locum qui perfecte aptus a
Si puellas felinas ex hominibus genetice mutatis faciamus sintne auriculaehoc modo an hoc modo?If we
Nonne primum tempus maximi momenti esse ferunt?They say the first time is the most important, right?