Latin Girl Gallery
paxton fettel
2012 usa election
paula fernandes
~~~Quam bellus capillus! O, papae! Scaeva es! Mirabiliter! Omnes, Miuncula mirabilis est!
Hotarua / ὉταρούαHotaru(Fons Imaginis.)
oporst:@interretialia~~~Feles… Scyliorhini… Feles… Felio…
interretialia:~~~[sororcula intensificatur]
cutegirlsdoingcutethings:Real pic of me~~~Dixitne aliquis merdinscribationem?Tempus meum lucere est!
~~~Ob eam causam carmen quod nos omnes instrumentis musicis canere possumus scripsi.
subtleamberlights:literally me every day ~~~Serva me, interrete! ❤️❤️❤️
Terminare fatuitatem tuam areis scholae vere conari debes.You should really try to limit your foolis
Tres Optimorum Mannorum (homines) in spectaculo!Three of the Best Ponies (humans) on the show!equest
~~~Hae ruinae vere ruinosulae sunt.
Audi. Melius est pedere quam non pedere.Listen. It’s better to fart than not to.(Fons Imaginis.)
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Licetne nobis facere coniunctim mema dulcia, Care Frater Maior Natu?Can we make sweet memes together
Ut hoc de puellula simpliciter dicam: ea est ancilla ac cunaria quae semipuella habens tentacula est
Caelum Londinii! Taxiraeda Londinii! Lingua Anglica Londinii!The sky of London! A taxi of London! Th
Rina cultrum tenens terret. Rin holding a knife is scary.
Hae sphaerae octopodales sunt. At manifestum est te turbas concivisse!This is takoyaki. Except you o
Veterem Savacunculae habitum inveni!I found Sawa-chan’s old costume!(Fons Imaginis.)
shmu-h:oh whoops ok I made more of this because yes of course they both have zero suits her name is
Amabo, habe mecum constitutum amatorium!Please go out with me!(Fons Imaginis.)
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