Learn Korean Gallery
Use 3과 02 to complete the homework.
Use 3과 01 to answer the following question.
Answer keys pt. 2
Answer keys pt.1
First fill in the days missing from the schedule, then follow the example of the first problem. 
Hint!: You’ll need to choose between the two location markers.
Change the dictionary forms of the verbs to their present informal polite endings!
If you need a helpful reminder of how to make verbs into the present informal polite ending, you can
My favorite plants
My notes from TTMIK’s lesson on -만 ( I might post less because school has started back and I
(Trying to make my post look pretty)
korstudying:~~ 18-week beginner Korean vocabulary challenge ~~Learn 10 words 5 days per week to quic
I’m done writing my Mini speech for my Korean class, now all I need to do is memorize it b
// these days.
안녕~ how do you guys motivate yourself to learn? like i am sitting here in front of my notebook and m
2018/05/06new addition to my little korean study book collection. i love all the free resources that
Here’s a sneak peak into what our Korean Pronunciation Map looks like!teachmekorean.co.
Our first study tool is finally here! With our Korean Pronunciation Map, you can listen and compare
Treat yourself to Korean goodies with Inspire Me Korea!We’ve seen amazing results from our stu
Buttons = 단추 (“dan-choo”)
Watch = 손목시계 (“sonmoksigye”)
Glasses = 안경 (“angyeong”)
Earring = 귀걸이 (“gweegeolee”)
Ring = 반지 (“banjee”)