Learnkorean Gallery
sandra bullock
Some Korean Slang *used for texting & chat*
[Learn Korean] 오늘 하루 어땠나요? =How was your day today?
Some Korean Slang *used for texting & chat*
I have just uploaded Korean expressions on my blog. #korean #learningkorean #learnkorean dokh
[Learn Korean] 어떻게 지내세요? =How are you doing?
[Learn Korean] 난 TV 보면서 그냥 집에 있어. =I’ve just been staying at home, watching television
Welcome back to my blog! Here’s another infographic for those who are struggling to put hangeu
Hey guys! Hopefully, your process of learning the basic Hangul was not too difficult. Link here 
[Learn Korean] 그릇을 마음대로 써. =Make free with the dishes
[Learn Korean] 정리정돈은 재미있는 일이 될 수도 있습니다. =Becoming organized can be fun
[Learn Korean] 너무 비싸요. =Too expensive.
[Learn Korean] 처음 뵙겠습니다. =Pleased to meet you
[Learn Korean] 무슨 일이에요? =What’s wrong?
[Learn Korean] 질문 하나 해도 돼요? =May i ask you a question?
[Learn Korean] 점심 식사 할 시간입니다. =It’s time for lunch.
[Learn Korean] 어떻게 지내세요? =How are you doing?
[Learn Korean] 난 TV 보면서 그냥 집에 있어. =I’ve just been staying at home, watching television
[Learn Korean] 그냥 숙제 하기가 싫어서. =I just don’t want to do my homework
[Learn Korean] 현금이요? 아니면, 신용카드? = Cash or Credit Card?
[Learn Korean] 연락드릴께요. =I’ll be in touch
[Learn Korean] 이 곳을 좋아했으면 좋겠어요. =I hope you like it here
[Learn Korean] 오늘 하루 어땠나요? =How was your day today?
[Learn Korean]어디가 아프세요?=Where does it hurt?
[Learn Korean] 나는 당신이 행복하길 바래요. =I hope you’re happy