Lit Quotes Gallery
modelo shale
Miklós Radnóti, “Foaming Sky” (trans. Clive Wilmer and György Gömöri), excerpted from Steep Path: Po
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Huzurlu bir şekilde git,sana kimin ihityacı olduğunu göreceksin.
Moikom Zeqo, ‘Trouble’, I Don’t Believe in Ghosts: Poems from ‘Meduza’ (trans. Wayne Miller)
Matsuo Bashō - Bones on the waysideBones on the waysidehaunting my heart -how the wind pierces.
Confession of the Lioness, Mia Couto
Walt Whitman, ‘Song of Myself’, Leaves of Grass[Text ID: “I ascend from the moon, I ascend from the
la-femme-terrible:Sappho Lobel, p.147, transl. Anne Carson
Frida Kahlo, excerpt from a letter to Alejandro Gómez Arias, written December 1925, three months aft
Kim Addonizio, from ‘Blues for Roberto’, What Is This Thing Called Love: Poems
Adonis, ‘Body’, Selected Poems (trans. Khaled Mattawa)[Text ID: “Love was a grave I entered and aban
Chuck Carlise, from “I Can Tell You a Story”[Text ID: “It’s the middle of night, & I’ve rolled t
Maram al-Massri, A Red Cherry on a White-tiled Floor: Selected Poems (trans. Khaled Mattawa)
Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself”, Complete Poems[Text ID: “Oxen that rattle the yoke and chain or halt
Natalie Wee, from ‘Least of All’, Our Bodies & Other Fine Machines
Assignment for my drawing class, where we based drawings on unfamiliar literature quotes
babygirlskinky SEX
Nina Cassian, ‘Burning’ (trans. Christopher Hewitt), Life Sentence: Selected Poems
can we FUCK tonight DADDY?
good girls become the naughtiest bad girls when they have a strong DOMINANT DADDY #submissivefact
I am your babygirl and this is your pussy DADDY
I need to be SUCKED. I need to be FUCKED.& CUDDLED DADDY
Bettina Simon, “Visit to the Home” (trans. Kristina Herber)[Text ID: “Mom says good things, I should
Emily Dickinson, ‘The gentian weaves her fringes’ (Poem #18), The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson[