Magnussutor Gallery
thrust hips
braided turban
Super proud of @teamkapp on their performance at #WJCC2022 Ate is super proud of her #Adings and hav
Good luck and good curling to my #Adings who’ll be playing against Canada in the 2v3 semifinal
*fangirl squee* Germany is already qualified for the playoffs YAS!!! Ate is super proud of her #Adin
Super happy to see my #Adings back on top of the #WJCC2022 leaderboard woohoo! Absolute #fangirlprob
My #Adings lost the #therecanonlybeone battle vs SCO earlier today. It was a close one during the fi
#WJCC2022 is being held in #Jönköping right now but apparently it’s such a big shock
Hard to believe #WJCC2022 is over. Bummed my #Adings had a rough day during the final, but Ate is st