Man Latin Feet Gallery
legendary cars
anime-fangirl7:anime_irl esse durum certe est.
Papae, alcohol sumptuosum est. Tanta pecunia volumen mangae emere possim.Wow, alcohol is expensive.
URANUS NEPTUNUSQUEAmatorium par illecebrosissimum generis liliacei quod in animi umquam videbis.URAN
thoodleoo:✅ featherless✅ bipedthis is a MAN~~~✅ deplumis✅ bipeshic est HOMO
Miles MoralisMoral Soldier
Haec-Vir (Latin: This [effeminate] Man - haec being the feminine form of the demonstrative pronoun j
mangocianamarch:happy Ides of March all y’all plebeiansREMIND ME TO REBLOG THIS EVERY MARCH 15TH UNT
nathanielthecurious:neils-josten:Those who excel, thus reach the stars.if ya got manliness, thats ho
Terminare fatuitatem tuam areis scholae vere conari debes.You should really try to limit your foolis
Tres Optimorum Mannorum (homines) in spectaculo!Three of the Best Ponies (humans) on the show!equest
Αἰσχρόν τοι δῆρόν τε μένειν κενεόν τε νεέσθαι.Turpe est et mansisse diu vacuumque redire.It is a sha
stickfiguregods:Wow, one could take this so many directions… avipes? leonipes?mustellapes?Mustelipes
Hae sphaerae octopodales sunt. At manifestum est te turbas concivisse!This is takoyaki. Except you o
Four gospels in Latin : manuscript, [between 1100 and 1150]MS Riant 20Houghton Library, Harvard Univ
Samson and the firefoxes(Judges 15:4)Psalter of Saint Louis, Paris ca. 1270BnF, Latin 10525, fol. 58
Ms. Codex 1056 - Book of HoursMay is here and we dedicate our week to Spring!Let’s start with
LJS 237 Quinque libri Egesippi nacione Judei de excidio iudeorumThis manuscript is a Latin translati
Many more latina here my blog :
Horae ad usum romanum (c. 1475).
interretialia:Quae est illa facies?What is that face?(The English version is here.)
In Iaponia In Civitatibus Foederatis AmericaePuella animina auriculis equinisJapan USAAnime girl wit
interretialia:Multis e Gentibus ViresFrom Many Peoples Strength(Coat of arms of Saskatchewan.)
butt peckerApocalypse, Normandy ca. 1330BnF, Latin 14410, p. 73