Maths Meme Gallery
tsugunaga momoko
This is what being a maths grad student feels like
Reblog if you got it.
Beside the fact, that this is really funny (), how can people really think that earth is flat?
Okay, this is funny. What do you think on this?
A picture says more than thousand words.
When you were forced to work with absolute pro‘s
Finally a good explanation why I am forever alone.
This one is savage.
Honestly guys, who of you was it?
physics-hell:At least we have the quartic formula… oh wait
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Finally I understood “Schrödinger’s cat”.
Would you date him, girls?
The three stages before an exam.
My life in a nutshell.
Now everything makes sense. Edit: Of course the right solution would be V=(2/3)*pi*r^3.
If you ever wondered how an engineer works.
This is what I call dedication. Reblog if you agree.