Medioevo Gallery
the sixth
swd om
tennis socks
“Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Only perseverance and determination
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit.” Photo © @oetzbr
“You can extinguish a candle, but you can’t extinguish a fire when the flame begins to t
“No enemy has offended me, that i have not repaid in full” Photo © @salefph #armore
This is not usual photo, but for those who as me “as i am before the show” this pic is q
Abbazia di Senanque
Torre degli Asinelli immersa nella nebbia padana
Duomo di Modena
Simone Martini, Deposizione dalla croce (polittico Orsini), 1333-1337 circa.
“To reach the awareness of our strength, touch the bottom, suffer and get up, are necessary st
“Courage also inspires respect to enemy” Photo © Fotostudio Arte & Foto - S
“Do you know where Evil fights Good? In the hearts of human… it’s there, thei
“Trust generates trust. Who has confidence has not ever lost in this world” Photo ©
“Wherever the warrior draws his sword, he used it. It can be used to open a path, to help some
“I fight for what i belive. If you are not willing to fight what you belive in, your beliefs a
“People need a monster to belive in. A demon in contrast with which to define their identity:
Maestro di Nave, “Martirio di San Lorenzo e Teoria di Santi“ (seconda metà XV sec
Bonifacio e Benedetto Bembo, “Crocifissione“ (1456 circa). Cappellina di Corte nel Caste
Antonino de’ Ferrari, dettaglio de “L’incontro dei tre vivi e dei tre morti“
Monte da Bologna, dettaglio delle “Storie di San Giuliano“ (1350-1360). Cattedrale di Sa
Ranuccio Arvari (attr.), “Cristo in mandorla con i simboli degli Evangelisti“ (1432). Ch
“The most powerful weapon a warrior can bring into battle, is the absolute certainty that is s
Pittore lombardo, dettaglio di “Scena di battaglia“ (seconda metà XV secolo). Mus
Jacopo della Quercia, dettaglio del “Monumento funebre di Ilaria del Carretto“ (1406-140