Muse Quotes Gallery
The 25 Most Influental People in Rock: Matthew Bellamy DID YOU KNOW: Matt’s first musi
microfucks: I’m just trying to …
bellamysbutt: them’s fightin’ words cap’n
tomtrollkirk: remember when…
fuckyeahmusegifs: #263: This couple
beeishappy: Musers in a Wolstenutshell.
museturbate: i give up on this band.
paradeofpilots:♢Favourite♢ Muse Quotes
centuriespast:Ivy on a Marble HandMartin (‘Cynicus’) AndersonSt Andrews Museum
egypt-ancient-and-modern: View of the Pyramids of Giza from inside of the Grand Egyptian Museum
Blackout - Muse
Adam Pendleton, “Untitled (WE ARE NOT)” (2021),Silkscreen ink on canvas, 120×144,I
looking for an artist to date
“beauty is terror” - The Secret History, Donna Tartt@merueiledreams
“I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the sec
Hocus Pocus (1993) •••• Writer: Mick Garris
“What we call reality is an agreement that people have arrived at to make life more livabl
The 2nd Law lyrics(inspired by [x])
“Breathe in deep, and cleanse away our sinsand we’ll pray that there’s
- What would you do if you are the only man left on earth after the End of The World?- I’d
Matt: “After the seaside tour is over, me and Dom are going to train as Punch and Judy sho
“I’d like to be Zeus and have all nine muses hanging around everyday. They were
“You are a natural disaster, and I’ve wanted you too much, and now I’m
Dom: “He (Matt) said that he’s seriously sunburnt - he’s been in the P