Nerdlesque Gallery
To say things got a little cheeky at last week’s Peepshow Menagerie production of SINTENDO wou
Mr. Hollywood Burlesque KIRBY LaBREA as Serius Lee Black! One of the many amazing acts you saw or sa
See Lady Sapphire Noir performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPETTE TEASE&
See Vivienne Vermuth performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPETTE TEASE&rd
See Red Snapper and Mr. Snapper performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPET
See Mae Lust performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPETTE TEASE” as
See Lady Sapphire Noir performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPETTE TEASE&
See Anastasia Von Teaserhausen performing in Peepshow Menagerie’s “THE BURLESQUE MUPPETT
Tonight at 9pm(pacific) Join us for Peepshow Menagerie’s “NIGHT OF THE LIVING MONSTERGIR
Our first banner for our Anime Houston show! So excited to be bringing our My Hero Academia nerdlesq
Echo Fae is our first performer-in-training! We’re very happy to have them with us!
Our next new performer is Fluffy Robin! We’re super excited to have her!
Violetta Vendetta is now officially part of our burly family!
The official invitation for our Anime Dallas show! We hope to see you all there!
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
If you have a Facebook, the event link is here:
Our first guest performer of San Japan everybody!
Sat down with @viktordevonne last month to discuss art, nightlife, and queer politics. Give it a lis
Everyone knows bad girls are hotter. #gothamcitysirens #catwoman #poisonivy #harleyquinn #theanimate