Niigata Gallery
newbury ma
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azflashjp: 新潟県の「とっぴー」。トキがモチーフ。“Toppy“ NIigata prefecture, Japan.
Residents pick up personal stuff from a fallen apartment a day after the Magnitude 7.5 strong earthq
Japan Travel: For many places in Japan, rice planting season is just around the corner! These&he
Karina Niigata
Niigata 笠原桃奈|アンジュルム メンバー オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
Niigata 笠原桃奈|アンジュルム メンバー オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
Niigata 笠原桃奈|アンジュルム メンバー オフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
Microstoma macrosporum not poisonous, not edible mushroom
Coptis japonica var. anemonifolia
Hamamelis japonica var. obtusata One of the earliest tree flowers in the local forest.
Japanese tit (Parus minor) singing on a cherry tree. オオシマザクラにシジュウカラ
Anemone hepatica var. japonica f. magna オオミスミソウ(雪割草)
Close to sundown.
Early flowers in spring: Erythronium japonicum. A nodding starlet in pale elegant purple.
Early flowers in spring: Hammamelis japonica var. obtusata
Earliest flowers in the local hills: Hepatica nobilis, Coptis japonica var. anemonifolia.  
Winter shapes of Celtis sinensis in a valley facing the windy, harsh coast. エノキの海岸林
Spring is near. 雪どけ中
Down to the coast.
A network of intruded mineral vein in a coherent facies of ryolite lava. This picture ca. 40 c
Clouds cleared only temporarily.
Basaltic hyaloclastite (product of ancient submarine volcano), snow-decorated.
Icy wet rock wall.
Niigata Prefectural Gymnasium, Niigata City, Japan, 1961(Eiji Miyagawa)