Noun Gallery
olxvine:Lotor and his generals + adjectives (and one noun)+ Narti’s cat bc I felt extra lol
Take your time.Day 1: June 4thBeginnings - noun. an act or circumstance of entering upon an action o
petitesluxures:“découverte” is either a noun, meaning “discovery”, or an adjective, the feminine ver
victoriousvocabulary:CACOETHES[noun]an uncontrollable urge or desire, especially for something harmf
victoriousvocabulary:BLÆR[noun]1. gentle breeze.2. atmosphere, aura.Etymology: Icelandic.[James R. E
stealtharchaeologist:Have a Latin lesson on noun cases.This is what you get for being my follower. X
dearvegeta:relief; noun \ri-ˈlēf\ a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something unp
Day 3: June 6thChildhood - noun. the state or period of being a child; the early stage in the existe
winterhelps:mystical creatures moodboard → M E R M A I D S noun\ˈmər-ˌmād\a fabled marine creature w
victoriousvocabulary:ANGELOPHANY[noun]the appearance of an angel or angels; manifestation of a celes
danamercers: Foil [fɔɪl], noun, a person or thing that contrasts with and so emphasizes and enhances
mjwatson:MJWATON’S FAV HP MYTHICAL CREATURESmerfolk: plural, noun, mer·folk\ ˈmər , ˈmə̄+ˌ- Merfol
victoriousvocabulary:ROTA FORTUNAE[noun]also known as the Wheel of Fortune - a concept in mediaeval
victoriousvocabulary:SOMNIUM[noun]daydream; dream; fancy; foolishness; nonsense; wishful thinking.Et
victoriousvocabulary:GALLIARDISE[noun]extreme gaiety; merriment.Etymology: from Middle French gailla
de·mon /ˈdēmən/ (noun)an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as
victoriousvocabulary:PATHEAPHOBIA [aka PATHOSOPHOBIA][noun]the fear of emotional suffering; the fear
iolowilliams-deactivated2014110:leak; [leek] noun; 1) an unintended hole, crack, or the like, throug
josh-aua:DEFINITIONscrub noun, often attributive \ˈskrəb\1 a: A scrub is a guy who thinks he’s fly a
victoriousvocabulary:MYSTAGOGUE[noun]1. a teacher of mystical doctrines.2. one who prepares candidat
victoriousvocabulary:MEA CULPA[noun]a Latin phrase that translates into English as “through my fault
I’m allergic to youDay 4: June 7thAllergy - noun.a strong dislike or aversion, as toward a person or
aceacebaby12345:song - Brave as a Noun by AJJREBLOGS > LIKESclick for better quality!! (:
the-burnished-hart:Today’s Magic: The Gathering GRE® Word is… Pedantpedant (noun) PED-int A