O-1968 Gallery
distrito 9
gabrielle bellot
イセ川 nanashina
lolita rooms
o-1968:O thought to herself, “Perhaps that girl Yvonne was right. I really am more naked when
o-1968: Even though O had been led on a leash attached to the ring that pierced her labia many times
o-1968: THe valet led O into a building off the garden.
o-1968: The valet secured O to the bed by attaching a chain to the ring in her labia and the other e
o-1968: O was effectively secured - chained to the bed post by a metal chain attached at one end to
o-1968: O’s dream - Ari had told the valets to use and abuse Doutzen all night.
o-1968: O’s dream: The valets ceased whipping poor Doutzen only when they wanted to take her.
o-1968: O’s dream: The head valet showed Doutzen to Anne Marie who said, “Yes, she is ma
o-1968: O’s dream - the valets hung poor Doutzen on the cross. Then they made sure that her re
o-1968: O’s dream: Ari requested that a crown of thorns be placed on Doutzen’s head as s
o-1968: The valet unchained O from the bed post where she had been secured for the night.
o-1968: The brunette woman said to the valet, “Take O to the punishment room.” Then she
o-1968: O was taken by the male valet from her room to the punishment room. Once there, out of habit
o-1968: O in the punishment room.
o-1968: O was then bound to a chair so she would witness Laurent’s punishment.
o-1968: Laurent was to be punished by the other two woman, while a bound O watched.
o-1968: Laurent was to be punished by the other two woman, while a bound O watched.
o-1968: Bound to a chair, O witnessed Laurent’s punishment
o-1968:Reblog if you are a fan of “Story of O”
o-1968:After relieving herself, O lit a cigarette and looked out of the bathroom window at the court
o-1968:FRiday Red Anne-Marie was subtle, cruel and implacable. Woe to any who fall into her ha
o-1968:Tuesday Red Auction
o-1968:Tuesday Red
o-1968:All O could focus on was the red head of a naked girl bobbing up and down, her mouth working